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Knight Sarah Faye 4496025 WAVE

I highly recommend Golden Arrow Research for anyone looking to know more about a family member. I am an avid research hound; yet, Geoff was able to gain access to info I couldn’t otherwise find online, or readily gain access to from the National Archives due to travel distance. He filled in blind spots in my research and answered questions I’ve been searching for for over a decade. He can even reconstruct military files lost in the 1973 Fire. He also constructed a typed summary of gathered information. I will be using Golden Arrow again for other family members. Geoff is quick to respond, professional yet personable, and just an all-around great person to work with. Thank you!

-Stephanie Childs

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Access to WWII U.S.N. Service Records

By: Geoff Gentilini

Posted: Mar 19, 2017

The WWII Navy O.M.P.F. or ‘WWII Navy official military personnel file’ is essential for researching veterans who served in the Navy during WWII.  In this post we will examine why the WWII Navy O.M.P.F. is useful for your research, what kinds of records you can expect to find in your veteran’s file, and how you can access your veteran’s WWII Navy O.M.P.F. service file.

Cecil T. Schubert 115th Liaison Sq. WWII A.A.F.

By: Geoff Gentilini

Posted: Dec 10, 2018 

Today’s post honors WWII Air Corps pilot Cecil T. Schubert. Like many Army and Air Corps veterans of WWII, Mr. Schubert’s military service records were lost in the 1973 fire. Other than the fact that Schubert flew P-38’s in the South Pacific, his family knew very little about his service in the Air Corps during World War II. Schubert was indeed a P-38 pilot, but as it is often the case for veteran’s whose service records were burned in the 1973 fire, there was much more to his story.

How to Access a Marine Corps O.M.P.F.

By: Geoff Gentilini

Posted: May 7, 2017

The Marine Corps O.M.P.F. ( Marine Corps Official Military Personnel File) is a vital tool for researching Marine Corps veterans who served during the 20th Century. The Marine Corps O.M.P.F.’s for WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and Vietnam are maintained at the National Archives and these official military personnel files contain records which cannot be found on the internet.

Frequently Asked Questions

After nearly a decade of engaging in research of military and historical records at archival research rooms nationwide we have acquired a level of experience that few can match. Our team includes staff who previously worked for the National Archives, ex-Department of Defense research contractors, military historians, and genealogists. The team of military and genealogy research specialists at Golden Arrow are physically on-site at the archival research centers (nationwide) where we perform research in-person, every day. Our unrivaled knowledge of the archival holdings, U.S. military history, and the decades of combined experience in historical and military records research ensures that the quality of research and attention to detail far exceeds what any other research company can offer you.

When you contact us for a free consultation we will respond promptly with different options for genealogical or military research.  We offer a variety of affordable research options. Whether you need a simple record lookup or something more complex, we can help you. The scope of the research will depend on your research needs as well as your budget. We are happy to scale the work to your specific needs. 

About 85 percent of genealogical records are not available on the internet. Many online sites provide  only fragments of information. Our genealogy and military research services allow you to access  information that is not yet on the internet. Most importantly, we summarize and contextualize the records so that you have a clear understanding of your ancestors and their experiences. The cost of our research services are typically much less than the cost of a plane ticket to visit the archives yourself.

We scan records, page by page at the archival facility where they are maintained and send these records to you as a chronological PDF file. You can download the records right on to your computer. 

Most military or historical records requests are ready within a few weeks. However, some large scale research projects may take as long as 16 weeks or more to complete. In many cases we are working on your research request at multiple research archives across the country-which is a time consuming process.

We offer a wide variety of research services ranging from simple scanning projects to intensive, in-depth research of individuals, families, veterans, and units. The best way to figure out exactly what you need is to submit your contact info to us. We will promptly send you an email with options for research. You can fill out a simple contact form with any questions here: Request Records

Yes. We will contact you via email once we have completed your research project. Payment is due upon receipt of the email invoice and can be made using either credit/debit or Paypal if preferred. We use Paypal to process all of our payments securely. However, you do not need a Paypal account to submit payment to us. Once payment is received we then send you a download link so that you can download and save your records.

Yes, we do retain most records for at least one year. Please be advised that you are responsible to download and backup your records. If your records are lost we will do what we can to recover them for you but we cannot guarantee that your records will be located. Additionally, any records located and scanned at NARA that are considered ‘archival’ are public records (this does not include Vietnam and later OMPF’s) and these public domain records may be used in one or more of our free educational programs. 

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